Sunday, September 16

LSNED-catching up...

Day 2- focusing on teaching and music
School starts up, and my creative time flies out the door! It is harder to find the time in my days to do this, but if it is a half hour here and there, or only the weekends, I WILL do it!  Finally had a chance to put together some more pages for my LSNED class.  I have been keeping up with journaling, and usually a photo or two, but getting it into the Smash book has been the challenge.

Day 3- looking at some self improvement, and always my daily life. Made a pocket out of punchinella, and cut the chicken from a photo I took.

Day 4- my house, especially how we think about it in the summer - large and spacious, vs. the winter - cramped and tiny. I used this funny picture of my husband and son sitting in porch chairs in our couch frame (it was out for reupholstering) to show some cabin fever craziness!

Day 5 - Time, or the lack of it - how appropriate!! But this also celebrates Tim Holtz and Mario Rossi visiting the blog and leaving comments about my tag book. I can tell you, that made my day for 2 days in a row!!


  1. so loving this! That punchinella pocket is the best!

  2. I'm the opposite..I get more done when my kids go back to school. This is great, and I love that it brings back the visit happiness for you...that's why we do what we do!

  3. Wow - a comment from Tim Holtz would make my day too! Actually, any comments at all are appreciated, aren't they - it's so nice to know that someone is reading what we send out into the world.
    I love the look of your album!

  4. Absolutely Smashing (pun intended). I love your approach. I second the opinion that the comment from Tim Holtz would make my day!!!

  5. Your book is SMASHING (pun intended)! I would hyperventilate if Tim Holtz visited my blog....Love me some Tim Holtz.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, it is so appreciated, and I love reading each and every one!