Sunday, September 23

Simons Says Stamp Challenge: use Tape

So what do you do when you have these big black binder clips that you use at work and home?
Well, you cover them from your ever expanding stash of Washi tapes!

Now, don't they look much better? They are going in to school tomorrow to use. I am also entering this simple project into the Simon Says Stamp challenge.


  1. What a creative use of tape, love them. Wonderful example of thinking outside the box. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. Tracy x

  2. What a great and inexpensive way to use Washi tape to create something out of almost nothing! I love your paper clips! I've also see those used as photo holders...and I thought that was such a cool idea. Thanks for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  3. MAURA!!!! LOVE THIS! You know what is funny - I was just given a box of over 1000 binder clips! I have NO idea what to do with them - LOL! Maybe I will give this a go :)

  4. what a great idea!!! I may just have to "steal" this idea to add some color to my office cube (working with a bunch of male engineers tends to keep things pretty utilitarian - we need some color and patterns around that place!)

  5. I use them all the time at I'm going to do this.


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