Tuesday, May 28

May Favorite Picks

Here are Maura's picks for May. I chose two items that I reach for ALL the time!
First is my spinner and all the handles with removable pads that I use all the time for edging and distressing. Love this Tim Holtz product!
My second is a great product for me because I am messy and do not mind getting ink or paint all over. This flour sack towel is the perfect thing to have on hand to clean as you go -it has saved me many a time! As you can see, my in-use one on the right gets a workout!

Sheila here...my favorite item right now is the Hello Days Story Cards by Ali Edwards. They are on sale for 75% off at Two Peas-not sure how much longer they'll be in stock at that price.
At $1.24 for a pack of 24 cards, who can resist? Besides using them in Project Life albums, I love using them as little daily to-do lists. I find myself writing little things I hope - or need - to accomplish each day and stick them on my bulletin board or magnet board and cross the items off. The backside is great for a small shopping list, items you need to restock in your craft room, or just about anything for us list makers.

1 comment:

  1. Those do look like some cute cards, Sheila, and I love your alternate use ideas for them.


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