Tuesday, March 25

The Amazing Adventures of the Remarkable Transparent Woman!

Anxiously anticipating the arrival of the remarkable winged woman...

Just in time...here she comes flying in on, wait, what's that?? Butterfly wings?

Rolling in on flowers and gears...


Oh, look, she is carrying a zeppelin in one hand, and steampunk in the other. I see a hot air balloon too. Bet her adventures have her up in the flying machines having one mad adventure after another around the globe!


What next adventure awaits the amazing transparent woman? We will just have to wait until she flies by again to hear!

I got so caught up in the adventure, after taking the first photo, I just forgot to keep documenting the steps, so here you see my transparent woman (actually stamped on a transparency) tag all ready to submit to Steampunk Challenges here.

Soar in your creative spirit today!

As "luck" would have it, the challenge over at Simon Says this week is "transparent" so I can also enter that challenge here.



  1. Oh, I am pretty sure, Maura,
    that Transparent Woman will have to stand up to a lot of exciting and maybe even dangerous adventures in the future!

    LOVE the idea (reminds me a bit of the "Invisible Man" which I loved as a kid)! And it is so beautifully done too!

    Thank you so much for sharing the story and the make with us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges!

    Claudia x

  2. GORGEOUS !!! Love everything about it...the colors, the metal, the transparency lady....NICE JOB !!

  3. this is so fabulous and was such a fun post to read! LOVE IT!!!

  4. OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVE this Maura! The transparency is too cool, but the design is fabulous and is still vintage chic!

  5. What a gorgeous tag! Love all the beautiful embellishments. The transparency is awesome! Thank you so much fro sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  6. Yes, this transparent woman is remarkable !
    thank you for your participation at Sandee & Amelie steampunk challenges


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