Tuesday, July 28

My Artfully Inspired Life: June

I've gotten a little behind working in my art journal for my online class with Joanne Sharpe. But, I did just catch up with June, for which I am grateful, and wanted to share those pages with you. It is such a fun class and you can join in the fun anytime! Two things I have learned about myself, is I LOVE color, and I LOVE to doodle!!

I am so grateful to each of you who stop by to visit. If you haven't joined the blog yet, I would love to have you, and a big thank you to all who follow twocraftingsisters! 

There you have it! Now, on to July...will I finish before the month ends? That is the question!
Have a wonderful crafty day, my friends!


  1. Love Joanne's stuff, and you nailed the fonts and colors! Great little pieces!!! LOVE the card!

  2. Such fun pages! I admire people who can doodle as I can't!


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