Tuesday, March 29

Getting Messy with Wanderlust 2016!

I am really enjoying my Wanderlust journey this year, and am learning and playing, and trying to stretch my creative muscle. Sometimes, you just have to go way out of your comfort zone!  One of our classes was with the talented artist Flora Bowley, who has a very free, intuitive style of painting, and I really enjoyed watching her creative process.

One thing I tried was painting the left page with my left, non-dominant hand to see what would happen. (I did forget a few times, and had to switch over when I realized I was working with my right hand!) See if you notice a difference.

First layer of painty fun on my gessoed pages using acrylics - Liquitex and Dylusions paints

Second layer...

I like this when I look back at my process...should I have stopped here? I have to remember to step back and look before moving on. One thing I could have tried would be to do the grids over the purple boxes. I am learning.

But, I went in with a lot of black, then felt like I needed more white, so added all those fingerprint splotches and some more color. I found it hard to tell when to stop, so at this point, I made myself put the brushes down and the paint away!

Comparing a close up of a section in the "white" and "black" stages...totally different!

I noticed when I was taking photos, that I really like small sections of the painting, like this one, which gets me thinking this might be a fun way to make backgrounds and cut them up to use on other projects.

Yep, totally out of my comfort zone, but this is a journey, and journeys are all about new experiences!  Check out this journey for yourself, and have a creative and messy day!

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