Wednesday, April 20

Long Distance Project - Sneak Peek!

 Sheila, I just wanted to show you that I AM working on our long distance project!  Seems like time and events conspired against me starting this, but I finally have!...and I am loving it. I have been looking forward to working with the Graphic 45 Steampunk line for a long time now.  My imagination is going into overdrive thinking of how to do each of the sections and keep it in line with the Victorian sci-fi steampunk fantasy.
Here is my first complete section.  I love the funky gears and the use of metals, paper and fibers.  Now...into the time machine and back to the past to work on more of my project....or is that to the future??

Oh, and Sheila, that link you came up with for the freebie Steampunk magazine - you rock!

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