Thursday, May 5

Answer...and the Next Question (NSD)

Wow!  The scrapbooking genie is going to grant me three wishes too??? I'd better think about this, because I remember some of those wish stories where the person messed up their wishes and got nothing.  So, here goes...

Wish #1:  I really like Sheila's idea of the transporter so we could meet and craft whenever we want.  But, I think I will wish instead for the Tardis (blue police box)  from Dr. Who.  Then, I will be able to travel through time also, so for example, when I am behind on our project, I could go back in time to work on it, and voila - done on time!  So, there we go - between the transporter and the Tardis, we will be traveling through time and space to scrapbook.  Just watch and see where our crafting adventures take us now!

Wish #2:  I wish for my very own craft room...I would love to add a room on to my house and design it just the way I want (is that IKEA I hear calling?), to house all of my scrapbooking, stamping, sewing and crafting things...and believe me, there's a lot! (Hoarders R Us, yup).  I want a place to keep everything organized, work stations, AND room for sisters and friends to play! It will have lots of windows that overlook the Adirondack Mountains. (Yes, I suppose while building that I should build a studio for my husband, the artist too. - No, that was not wish three, but just a thought!)

Wish # 3:  Ok, now it gets hard, because of course I can think of a lot of wishes and I already used two.  So, for my final wish....I wish to go on a scrapbooking adventure!  Maybe a cruise, maybe a road trip, maybe to another country...I'm open to ideas, oh Scrapbook Genie!

Whew!  That was hard work, so now it is time for my question to you, Sheila.  If you think about all of the tools you use to scrapbook with, what is the "special" one you reach for the most?


  1. A scrapbooking that's a wish I think we should work on to make it come true!

  2. I love your dream for the giant well-organized scrapbook room overlooking the adirondack mountains. I tell Jeff every summer that I wish I could move all my stuff to my grandma's camp in Wells and not have to work and just create all day long and toast smores over the fire sitting by the lake all evening! THAT is MY wish! lol.

  3. A cruise would be LOVELY !!!


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