Friday, May 13

NDS Winners Announced

Both Maura and I had a great time spending National Scrapbooking Day with all of you and from all your comments, we think you had a great time also! Thanks so much to each and every one of you who took the time to comment on our was fun to have some feedback.

And here are the winners of our giveaways (chosen by using
from L to R: Giveaway #1, Giveaway #2 and Giveaway #3
Ginger is the winner of Giveaway #1
Colleen is the winner of Giveaway #2 and
Janie is the winner of Giveaway #3--Janie we need you to email Maura your address (see below)

CONGRATULATIONS! I believe that Maura has your contact info to get your prizes to you, but if you're not sure, be sure to email her with that info--"email us" button on the left hand side.

Thanks again to everyone who shared a little bit of their day with us and we hope that some of our tips and techniques inspired you! We had so much fun that we already have some plans in the works to do a day like that again.


  1. thank you!! I can't wait to get my goodies!! Congrats to the other ladies who won!

  2. Oh, my goodness, thank you!!!!

  3. WOOWHOO !!! Congratulations Ladies !!!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, it is so appreciated, and I love reading each and every one!