Saturday, June 11

Don't Forget!

Sheila and Maura are looking for questions from YOU, our blog readers!  What would you like to know? What would you like to see?  What craft questions do you have for us? Send us your questions by posting to this or emailing us at the link provided over in the left hand column.

Our blogoversary is less than a month away and we want you to be a part of our special celebration!!! 


  1. I like product reviews. It is always nice to see what other people think of new tools that come out. Happy Anniversary

  2. That's a really good idea Lisa. I think we can come up with some ideas along that line. Thanks!

  3. I'd like to know a couple of things: how do you find the time to create all that you do? You work full time as a teacher so you probably bring home papers to grade, etc.! I never can find enough time to do anything. The second question is where do you create?

    Love your " stuff".....


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, it is so appreciated, and I love reading each and every one!