Saturday, May 7

NSD Tip or Technique #1

Make yourself some type of an inspiration journal that works for you. When I first started subscribing to the scrapbooking magazines over 10 years ago, I cut out pictures, ideas, sketches and whole articles that inspired me in some way. Here is my very first inspiration journal from that time:
actually a camping journal I recycled
luckily I thought to make notes about what I liked
I wonder if I ever used that sketch....
and see that last page? Those little test tubes inspired THESE years later and that little metal tin inspired THIS. So, you never know when you just might be inspired by your journal but it's a good place to start! If you have an inspiration journal, share it with us!


  1. Love love love it!!!

  2. I really, really need to put an idea book together - I find myself forgetting the ideas.

  3. I started an idea book awhile ago love it.

  4. I just love this idea. I spent yesterday going through my magazines and started a GREAT journal. Thank you so much.

  5. I'm smiling as I read this post, I make copies of projects which catch my eye and then forget where I filed them! I don't think time permits me to create a book as lovely as Sheila's, but a binder will do!


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