So, our first lucky winner of some Random Happy Mail is Sheree! She was kind enough to leave this comment regarding our One Little Word post:
Sheree said... My word for 2010 is "Balance." Bal-ance: [bal-uhns] composition or placement...in such a manner as to produce an aesthetically pleasing or harmoniously integrated whole. I am so intrigued by this idea, that I think we should scrapbook our 'word' to display and remind every day. For me, it will be on my office desk. Hope your new year rang in peacefully and joyfully....Sheree
I read quite a few blogs and rarely take the time to leave a comment. This year I am going to FOCUS (my one little word) on leaving comments for others. I know how much Maura and I like to hear from all of you, so I am going to do the same for others.
If you'd like, leave a comment sometime and be on the lookout for your Random Happy Mail.
Now, off to enjoy my snow day!
Wow - thank you! Your comment reminds me to continue to strive for my power word - balance! Thanks for the kind words. I love to see what you 2 are up to!...Sheree