Saturday, August 3

Kids Summer Vacation Challenge 2024

It's time for another of our annual Simon Says Stamp Kid's Summer Vacation Challenge where we host a special challenge dedicated to our young designers.

Anything Goes

Since my own kiddos are grown men, I decided to ask one of my younger friends if he daughter would like to participate as a Junior Designer for the challenge. I'm glad she said yes!

"I'll be Seeing You" 

Amelia is 12

Amelia and her family are huge fans of Halloween, so Amelia created a spooky Halloween panel with stamps, inks, collage paper, colored pencils, watercolor and more. 

Check out the creepy eyeballs and fun mix of color and design. 

Amelia, thank you again for stepping up and helping by being a Junior Designer for this challenge! 

Many thanks to my good friend Lucia for encouraging creative play and being so willing to support her amazing junior designer! 

It is time for all you crafters to let your children loose in your crafty corners for a few hours. Just close your eyes and set them free to explore their creativity. Adults are allowed to help just a little bit if necessary, but we really want the children to 'DO IT' themselves as much as possible.

The Design Team all love this challenge and are ready and waiting to pop over to your blog to see your creations!

This challenge is open to all children aged between 2 and 16 inclusive

We have not 1, not 2 but  3 surprise parcels of crafty goodies, hand picked by Simon. All winners are chosen at random, Good Luck to all!

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Please pop by our young designers and leave them some comment love ;-)

If you share your creation on instagram, please add this hashtag so that we can find you #ssskidschallenge

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This challenge will remain open until 8 am EST on Saturday the 31st of August. The winners will be drawn at random as soon as possible after the challenge closes.


You can enter as many times as you like, just remember to add your link into the inlinkz system at the bottom of this post! If you have several entries on the same post add ?1. ?2, ?3 etc at the end of the url and they will be accepted into the system.

Please add the age of the child after their name e.g. Daniel age 6. Emma age 3



Eyeball stamp

Tim Holtz Stitches stamp

Ranger Archichal inks


 collage paper

black Sharpie

Colored Pencils


  1. How fabulous is this!! super scary Halloween canvas Amelia! I love the eyes and the dipping paint! You are so very talented!!
    Thanks so much for creating this canvas and for allowing us to share it on the Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation Challenge post!
    Lols x x x

    1. Thanks Lols! I've passed your comment on to Amelia.

  2. This is such a wonderful piece of art! I really like Halloween and this piece is both creepy and beautiful at the same time. I especially love the drips and the bright colors. And the title of the piece made me laugh! You did an amazing job, Amelia! Thank you for sharing your talents with us for the Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation Challenge!

    1. Thanks so much Andrea! I've passed your comment on to our junior designer. Maura

  3. This is lovely, Amelia! Thanks so much for creating this for the Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation Challenge! Kim

  4. Wow, so scary and artsy at the same time! I love all the added details! Great job, Amelia! Never stop making!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, it is so appreciated, and I love reading each and every one!


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